This metric tracks the company’s workforce gender breakdown by occupational levels.
Occupational Levels:
Executives/Senior Level Officials are defined as “people who create strategies and plans for the entire organization to follow. They either communicate directly with the board of directors or they’re within two reporting levels to the CEO (in larger organizations) and interact with them frequently.”
First/Mid-Level Officials and Managers are defined as “managers [who] report to the executive/senior level managers and implement their plans and strategies. They oversee activities and functions at the group, regional or divisional level. This category also includes managers who report directly to middle managers and direct daily operations (e.g. first-line and branch managers).”
All other employees are defined as those who do not fit within the Executives/Senior Level Officials and First/Mid-Level Officials categories.
Employees are defined by local rules and regulations.
Gender categories are defined as follows:
Female: An individual who identifies as a woman.
Male: An individual who identifies as a man.
Non-binary: An individual who identifies “as neither entirely male nor entirely female. This can include people who are agender, bigender, genderfluid, gender nonconforming, and genderqueer, among others. Some nonbinary people identify as transgender, while others do not.”
Not disclosed/available: Category available for persons who prefer not to disclose their gender.
The entity may provide supplemental contextual disclosures on factors that significantly influence gender representation, such as the country or region where employees are located.